No Matter Where You Are...Enjoy the Break You Deserve!

No Matter Where You Are...Enjoy the Break You Deserve!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Out With The Cold...

Today isn't the best day in Chicago to be thinking about Spring weather (and cleaning), but after a nice Spring Break we're in the mood for some organizing. There's nothing more liberating than tossing out the old and decluttering both your home & mind. We asked our top housekeepers & household organizers for their favorite tips on preparing your home for beautiful weather:

1.) "Donate the old. You'll feel much better about cleaning out your home if you know that your old treasures are going to a better cause than the garbage can."
2.) "Shred the paper. Stacks of mail waiting to be sorted, old bills, and even various cards can quickly accumulate to large piles of paper. Most of these we don't need, but save anyways--though the only thing we're saving is dust bunnies. Take a half hour to sort and shred--your desk will start to organize ITSELF before you know it."
3.) "Switch it up. Clean out your air filters, switch your ceiling fan blades, rotate your mattress! It's important to rotate these to keep them fresh, and air them out."
4.) "One word: windows." They surround your house. They are your eyes to the outside. They let the sun shine through. Dirty windows can be such a telltale sign of a poorly kept house. A few times a year, have your windows professionally cleaned."
5.) "Leave It Up To Pro's. We don't have the same sentimentality as you may, and can separate junk from what is actually worth keeping. Meanwhile, you can be out enjoying the sunshine!"

1 comment:

  1. I always get the bug to spring clean this time of year and the windows is something I always pass over. But you are right, an easy clean that makes a big difference. Great tips, AlterEgo
