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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Your Resume Is Your Passport

The unemployment rate for Illinois was at 11.4% in February, which was up .1% since January! That makes selling yourself on an interview that much more vital. However, before you can even score the interview you have to get one--and your resume is your passport. Here are some of our favorite tips for writing a great resume:

1.) Take the time to tailor your resume. Seems easy enough, right? We can't tell you how many of our candidates make the mistake of sending in a "general" resume when they apply. This is a huge mistake! Everyone should have a great general resume--meant to BUILD on and tailor to your job search. Are you looking for a personal assistant position? Don't send us your resume with the objective geared towards working at a marketing firm. These extra steps take a matter of minutes, but they are your first impression and mean so much.

2.) Proofread, spell check, double check, phone a friend, and proofread again. You're interviewing and are trying to say you are detail-oriented, but there is a simple spelling error on your resume. You just gave them reason to question your abilities. Why start off treading water?

3.) Articulate your position. But don't get too cute. There are many people applying for the job, and your 3 page resume isn't appreciated. Point taken!

4.) Honesty is the best policy. Did you really manage a team of 10, or did you work alongside a team of 10? The truth will come out sooner rather than later, so it's best to honest from the start. It doesn't mean you won't get the position, but the employers want a realistic gauge of how much training will be needed.

5.) Are there gaps? Fill them in. Did you not work from 2002-2004 because you were volunteering in another country? Say so! If your positions at different companies were so short because they were contractual jobs, then say so! These gaps work against you--figure the explanations into your resume.

What are your favorite resume writing tips? Send them in and we would love to share them!

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